The Leisure Battery
Have you ever had a problem with the leisure battery on your caravan or motorhome? Maybe you’ve been wondering what the difference is between a leisure battery and a car battery? If you are relatively new to caravanning and haven’t had to deal with the battery yet, chances are you’ve never given it a second thought. Whichever category you fall into, owning and holidaying in a caravan means you will need to deal with a leisure battery regularly, making a basic level of knowledge invaluable. Aside from enabling you to maintain your battery in a way which will prolong its life and keep your costs down, being able to recognise the signs of potential damage in a leisure battery is essential for the safety of anyone using your holiday accommodation.
First things first: what is a leisure battery?
A leisure battery is the power source for the 12V appliances and equipment in a caravan or motorhome. These batteries are designed to provide a steady level of power over a prolonged period of time and are used by the lights, T.V, kettle, oven and similar appliances in some outfits. Basically, they are the part that makes your caravan into a comfortable, habitable accommodation, rather than just a vehicle.
If you intend to buy a brand-new caravan, bear in mind that leisure batteries normally are not supplied with new builds, although you will usually get one included in a new motorhome. Check with the dealership when arranging the purchase to make sure you have time to source a leisure battery before you plan to take your first trip, if one isn’t due to be provided.
Is a leisure battery just a different name for a car battery?
No, a leisure battery and a car battery are two very different power sources. It may be possible to use each of the batteries in the other’s place in the short term, but it is not advisable due to the different ways in which they produce energy.
A car battery is designed to provide a burst of energy to start the engine when required, whereas a leisure battery will release a lower level of energy over a prolonged period of time in order to power appliances.
Due to the difference in intended purposes, leisure batteries and car batteries are not constructed in the same way. A car battery has thinner plates and different separators, which mean that it is not as well-equipped to deal with a prolonged period of use for a lower level of energy, and vice versa for leisure batteries. There is a type of battery which can perform well at both functions, an AGM battery, but this is not commonly used.
Types of leisure battery
Most leisure batteries are lead-acid batteries, although we will provide information on some alternatives later in the article. Within the category of lead-acid battery, there are a few different types available:
As well as these lead-acid batteries, there are a few alternatives which may be used as leisure batteries in certain circumstances.
Why should I use a leisure battery?
You will need a leisure battery in order for most of the 12V appliances in your caravan or motorhome to function but, even if it wasn’t essential, there is a very good reason for choosing to use a leisure battery rather than powering the devices directly from a mains charger or similar. The secondary function of a leisure battery, aside from powering appliances, is to correct any irregularities in the power supply, keeping you and your appliances safe.
Lead-acid battery safe handling
Due to the flammable nature of batteries and the corrosive properties of the acid within, proper safety measures must be followed when handling batteries.
Getting the most from your leisure battery
Checking the battery’s charge level
While your caravan or motorhome may have a light or display to show the leisure battery’s charge level, these may not be particularly accurate. It is advisable to invest in a hand-held metre, which can be used to easily obtain an accurate indication of the charge level. The table below can be used as a guideline when carrying out the checks.
Meter ReadingApproximate Charge Level12.7V or above100%12.5V75%12.4V50%12.2V25%12V or lowerDischarged
Prior to using the meter to check the battery’s charge, the following steps should be followed:
An alternative method of checking the charge level of a battery is using a hydrometer to measure the electrolytes in the cells. The reading should be between 1.1 (discharged) and 1.28 (fully charged).
To determine how long the battery can go between charges, check the capacity, which is normally measured in amp hours (Ah). An 110Ah battery will provide considerably more power between charges than a 65Ah one, for example, but will also take longer to recharge.
Always have a window open to allow gases to escape while the battery is charging.
Some users prefer to use a continuous charging system to keep the leisure battery functioning. While this may be perfectly fine, it is advisable to check with the manufacturer before continuously charging any battery.
What affects a battery’s performance?
There are quite a few factors which may affect the performance of a leisure battery, including temperature, age and the size of the battery.
While all of these will influence the performance of the battery, it is important to remember that there are countless other factors at play. It is best to assume you will need to recharge your leisure battery sooner than calculations may suggest.
My battery stinks!
Batteries can sometimes emit a rotten egg smell when recharging, which is less than pleasant for those using the caravan or motorhome. This generally indicates that the battery is being overcharged. Should you detect such a smell, check if the battery feels hot to the touch. If so, the battery is being overcharged and is in danger of being irreparably damaged.
If you do get an eggy smell, remember that this means that gases are being emitted and, as such, could potential ignite or explode. Never disconnect the battery from the charger while it is connected to the mains, as this may cause a spark and disastrous consequences.
Even without a smell, be aware of the temperature of your battery while charging as a hot battery normally means there is a problem.
National Caravan Council Verified Leisure Battery Scheme
Considering the increased number of electronic gadgets and improved technology used in all aspects of our lives nowadays, the National Caravan Council (NCC) has introduced a Verified Leisure Battery Scheme to give caravan and motorhome owners peace of mind when purchasing a new leisure battery. If the battery you are considering displays the scheme’s logo, you will be able to ascertain what level of use it is suitable for and, of course, that it has been deemed reliable and fit for purpose by the NCC.
Why was the scheme launched?
As leisure batteries involve a significant financial outlay, up to approximately £200, and it had been found that some products being sold as leisure batteries were, in fact, intended for use only as starter batteries, the National Caravan Council and some leisure battery manufacturers teamed up to create an easily understandable verification scheme.
When purchasing a verified leisure battery, caravan and motorhome owners can rest safe in the knowledge that they are paying for a reliable, fit for purpose leisure battery. Not only does this indicate a sensible purchasing decision in financial terms, it also provides some level of safety assurance.
How are leisure batteries categorised under the scheme?
The three categories of verified leisure battery are as follows:
All verified leisure batteries will display the scheme logo as well as an indicator of which category applies.
Are all leisure batteries covered by the scheme?
At present, Banner, Platinum and Yuasa are amongst the manufacturers whose leisure batteries may be verified by the National Caravan Council. More manufacturers are expected to join in the near future, and the NCC will publish updates as and when appropriate. We will also update this article whenever possible.